
英语启蒙越早越好?看学术权威怎么说 - 英语教学法原著选读110(家长指南 视频语言探讨 有奖练习 签到)

2017-06-30 武太白 武太白英语教学


“英语学习关键期”,真的有吗? - 英语教学法原著选读108(视频讲解 练习 签到)

特刊:选择英语教材的主要原则和注意事项有哪些? - 英语教学法原著选读109














以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第三章“Factors affecting second language learning(影响第二语言学习的因素)”:


原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)


Heading: Research on learner characteristics


At what age should second language instruction begin? 


Even people who know nothing about the critical period research are certain that, in school programs for second or foreign language teaching, ‘younger is better’. However, both experience and research show that older learners can attain high, if not 'native,’ levels of proficiency in their second language. Furthermore, it is essential to think carefully about the goals of an instructional program and the context in which it occurs before we jump to conclusions about the necessity — or even the desirability — of the earliest possible start.


The role of the critical period in second language acquisition is still much debated. For every researcher who holds that there are maturational constraints on language acquisition, there is another who considers that the age factor cannot be separated from factors such as motivation, social identity, and the conditions for learning. They argue that older learners may well speak with an accent because they want to continue being identified with their first language cultural group, and adults rarely get access to the same quantity and quality of language input that children receive in play settings.


Many people conclude on the basis of studies such as those by Patkowski or Newport and Johnson that it is better to begin second language instruction as early as possible. Yet it is very important to bear in mind the context of these studies. They deal with the highest possible level of second language skills, the level at which a second language speaker is indistinguishable from a native speaker. But achieving a native-like mastery of the second language is not a goal for all second language learning, in all contexts.



When the objective of second language learning is native-like mastery of the target language, it is usually desirable for the learner to be completely surrounded by the language as early as possible. However, as we saw in Chapter 1, early intensive exposure to the second language may entail the loss or incomplete development of the child's first language.


When the goal is basic communicative ability for all students in a school setting, and when it is assumed that the child's native language will remain the primary language, it may be more efficient to begin second or foreign language teaching later. When learners receive only a few hours of instruction per week, learners who start later (for example, at age 10, 11, or 12) often catch up with those who began earlier. We have often seen second or foreign language programs which begin with very young learners but offer only minimal contact with the language. Even when students do make progress in these early-start programs, they sometimes find themselves placed in secondary school classes with students who have had no previous instruction. After years of classes, learners feel frustrated by the lack of progress, and their motivation to continue may be diminished. School programs should be based on realistic estimates of how long it takes to learn a second language. One or two hours a week will not produce very advanced second language speakers, no matter how young they were when they began.




Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1.Researchers agree that "start as early as possible" is the best advice they can give to second language learning and teaching.

2.According to the authors, foreign language learning for students in their own country does not necessarily need to begin too early.



